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PC hey my dudes I’m tryna get out of elo hell (bronze, I’m like 1400 something), but I...


Marcy Caelum

hey my dudes
I’m tryna get out of elo hell (bronze, I’m like 1400 something), but I always run into stubborn players and people who like to throw games, which has made tanking up nearly impossible, despite the number of gold medals I have each game. At least I know it’s not my fault, but nonetheless, I’m trying to find a team to work with me and rank up. I’m pretty flexible in terms of who I can play, but I typically main dva (with a 51% win rate which isn’t too bad) and zen. I can play well as junkrat too (74% win rate). So yeah, if you’re down for ranking up as a group, feel free to message me for my bt!

Michael Wireman

Love the post I just want to point out that medals don't really mean anything. You could have gold elims and just have been fighting in random parts of the map allowing the rest of your team fighting for the point without you. Not saying you are doing that, it's just an example.

Adam Mueller

Number of golds means nothing, having all golds while getting rolled is easily possible. What role are you playing, are you staying with your team? Are you working with your team or just assuming you know better than them and committing to fights you cant win?

There are a lot of things that you could personally be doing that are keeping you in bronze.

As an addendum you mentioned playing but are you playing her correctly? Are you playing her as a tank, or just a non squishy genji? Are you trying to protect your team or off messing around with their back line? As or Winston you kinda need to do both, you need to know when its a good time to go into their back line and when its a good time to stay with your team.

With your win rates you should slowly be climbing, and you might want to focus on playing junk, though that might be more due bronze level players just not knowing how to deal with JR and you pulling him at the right times. Would need to observe your gameplay.

Nick de Bruyker

And I just want to point out that it probably is your fault for being stuck in bronze, focusing on improving is more important then trying to gain Sr, if you do get out of bronze with a group it's very likely you will drop again afterwards

Zack Hockaday

I'd offer but we wouldn't be able to queu up in comp, my best advice is try to counter pick to the best of your ability or find a champ that it's easier for you to force the objective with. A good backcap can cause panic on the enemy team and give most teams a good attempt at a push, roadhog is great for getting picks to help teams move the objective or turn a fight, mercy is pretty good for helping teammates stay in the fight

Andrew James

Drewgon#1238 add me!

Nick de Bruyker

Also, elo hell is a myth

Willem Nel

What server

Marcy Caelum

This is basically my issue in a nutshell lmao

コリエルト クン

Im interested xD

Nathan Buzbee


Terrance Gange

best way to rank up is to look at your own preformance and not blame elo hell. because its verry possible to climb, i went 1000 sr the first season i actually took comp serious and wanted to climb, went from 1400 to 2400, a lot of its learning what you are doing wrong, for instance if im trying to pick the mercy as tracer when there is a huge friggin winston there i can build ult charge off to get bomb faster, ik im screwing up. if im getting screwed over with my blinks i know im not managing them properly, if i see myself on the low ground as soldier i know my positioning could be better. its recognizing these things that make you a better player the more your actual skills improve you can have a huge advantage in the game.

Allen Harmon

Anyone that wants to play add me I can play offense defense Tank and support ShortStacks#11896

Eliazar J Rivera

If you want send me your btag and we can practice to do placement duos next season I'll help you rank up and give advice if wanted

Frkn Green

What server?

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