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Hey guys thanks for accepting my request... Looking at getting my first gaming pc...


Matt O'Hara

Hey guys thanks for accepting my request... Looking at getting my first gaming pc within the next 6 months. Have always been a console gamer but looking at crossing over.

I've built a few htpcs running Ubuntu, mint ect but this will be my first gaming rig.

So I'll make my first post a what? Post.
Any traps to look out for when purchasing hardware that people might try and sell? Should I get all my stuff at once ie in 6 months time or is it OK to purchase a new piece every couple of weeks?

I'm not looking at the biggest and the best, just something to have fun on, I won't be streaming or anything else just online gaming. Hopefully looking between the $1500 to $2000 AUD mark.

Cheers guys.

Troyus Robertson

I switched to pc roughly 8 months ago, once you cross over you aint going back

Andrew Hurt

Don't cheap out on the power supply, a crap unit can fry an entire system.
To save money you can always hook it up to a tv while you save for a better monitor, you'll be using your monitor probably 5-10 years, make sure you love the one you buy.
Mice and keyboards don't necessarily have to be fancy.
Custom loops are expensive, need maintaining, and generally have quite some commitment, don't just jump into it like nothing.
Learn good cable management, it looks good, helps air flow, and makes new installs a breeze.
Most importantly, have fun with it.

Matt O'Hara

So is it cool to buy parts week to week or buy all at once?

Matt O'Hara

OK and last question for today. For my main hard drive I've been told will store crucial software, would I be better off with a 120gb m2.0 or a 250g ssd? I will have a 1t hard drive for storing other things. Is it like consoles were you transfer you most played game to main hard drive so it boots quicker?

Steffan Griffiths

When buying a second hand GPU, always ask for a picture and video of it working. If it the picture looks too professional, it probably is. I've had people trying to scam me,they send pictures they took from websites etc. always reverse Google image them.

Andrew Nocher

I’m doing the same thing as u mate. I just started by getn the most expensive stuff out of the way first ( gpu, cpu, ram ) then chipping away at it piece by piece. I quickly realised my budget of $2500 wasn’t gonna cut it. Seeing as GPUs are so damn expensive atm buying a prebuilt isn’t such a bad idea

Ralf Dela Cuesta

Welcome to the Glorious PC Master Race, May your framerates be high and temperature low... But honestly tis is a bad time to crossover. Crypto-currency had inflated nearly all mid-high end GPU's, DRAM and SSD prices has soar sky high and Intel is annoyingly trying to push those fixes for spectre and meltdown that's been corrupting Windows. Add to that VR gaming on the PC is now owned by Pornsites..

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