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Hey guys! Just a request for my follow low elo players :) If you have an ana on your...


Harrie Rose

Hey guys! Just a request for my follow low elo players :)

If you have an ana on your team try to make it a bit easier for her to heal you and don't flame her. I know you're gonna say 'git gud' but every ana starts somewhere - you never know that ana with shit all accuracy may progress to become a top 500 one day!:)

Also - she can't shoot through walls even though some people think so

Harry Nash

Thank you

Harrie Rose

The high elos forget that they was bad once upon a time.

Also on a sidenote if you see an ana and need healing, please don't stand in front of her. Just ask. Chances are she's healing that Dva or Reindhart across the map that's trying to stop you losing, and that one selfish heal you stole meant they died

Sammy Bourgeois

The problem is, where is the line? At what SR should an Ana be suddenly expected to be able to heal Genji, a blinking Tracer, etc when it was okay for her to be inconsistent 1 Sr ago? Think about it like this: Even a bronze hitscan should TRY to hit as many headshots as a top 500. Obviously they won't, but only through constant immersion and attempts will they get that experience to improve. And as a Mercy main, I've gone from SR where I can just let people miss me with their shots, to an SR where I NEED to position and dodge.

I bridged that gap by instantly assuming that everything could kill me, even if they couldn't. You need to try to play like the rank that you want to be, not the rank that you are. If your team has to stay still for you to heal them, you're a limiting agent to your team, and if they actually do stay still for you, you're not going to improve because you're playing at the same skill level all the time, never the skill level that you want to progress to. I don't say this to be mean, but you can only improve your own skills by adapting - not by requesting the world to adapt to you.

Harrie Rose

True, but someone who's in QP because they love the idea of a healing sniper in this brand new game?

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