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Guys, I'm having a weird issue with Windows 10. I took a bunch of spare parts to...


Jimmy Bones

Guys, I'm having a weird issue with Windows 10.

I took a bunch of spare parts to build my son a low end gaming machine (Minecraft mostly), and all the parts checked out. AMD processor, an ASROCK mobo of indeterminate model, 8G DDR3 RAM, etc.

I first had a WD Black 3TB HDD set up in there as its only boot/storage media, and Win10 installed fine, with a few hangups. After it was installed, about two to three minutes into being logged on, the whole machine would freeze. Dead mouse, dead keyboard, no progress bar advancement, etc. Froze faster if I tried to open a browser or look at system specs or anything.

I figured there was something wrong with the HDD, so I swapped it out for a 500G laptop HDD as a stopgap, but now I can't even get through the installation process. It'll install, get to the part where it wants to reboot and I need to take out the USB boot media, then it'll get about halfway through the device setup and just freeze, then I'll try to reboot it to try again and it'll tell me to star the install all over again.

Is there anything I can do besides just biting the bullet and buying all new drives and possibly mobo/cpu?

I'm getting kinda frustrated.

Bakti Yudha Suryana

Asrock of 'indeterminate' model? Pretty sure its model is written RIGHT THERE on the mobo's surface.

Dennis Barbier


Sean Condon

Flash the BIOS.

Craig Wilson

This happened to me when i first built my pc, turned out the windows i had downloaded was quite a few updates behind and all the drivers from the parts i installed were old too, i managed to eventually get it all updated after quite a few freezes and restarts, took a while but it completely fixed everything, hope it helps

Craig Wilson

The main problem was that the bios on my mobo was very old too, so once i managed to get that updated it ran alot more stable to get the rest updated

Jimmy Bones

It never occurred to me to look for my system info in the bios, but after taking the time to look rather than just change the boot order, I finally found the motherboard.

Now I just have to figure out how to update the bios from a usb. Also whether or not the bios even has a more recent version.

Jimmy Bones


Jimmy Bones

Ok, successfully flashed the BIOS. Still having the same problems.

Jonathan Wahlgren

What powersupply do you have?

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