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PS4 Guys here the 3 skins for free: go in a singleplay map and push the option button and...

  • Thread starter Kevin-Dustin Düxmann
  • Start date

Kevin-Dustin Düxmann

Guys here the 3 skins for free: go in a singleplay map and push the option button and click L1 R1 and and . So tip next this Text:
Cheat playercommand Ascend1
Cheat playercommand Ascend2
Cheat playercommand Ascend3

This ist for Dodorex, clown, wyvern skin (head)

For vampire skin you need the achievement " cure all "

Left the single-player and go online and die one time. Now you have the skins in your bag.

Sorry for my bad English and have fun with the skins.

Pedro Pinho

I had done that, if you have any proggress it will be erased, and you dont get the ascendence

Luciano Sesti

Don't you need to do "enablecheats" before, anymore??

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