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PC Greetings and Welcome to 'Thrones of Ark'! Here you will find some information about...


Jeramiah Artrip

Greetings and Welcome to 'Thrones of Ark'!
Here you will find some information about our servers!

Also there is 'NO' admin abuse and the admin logs/game log are available to view.
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PvPpve (But the 'no offline raiding' is active)
Also for being a PvPve server, this server is very peaceful and friendly!
Map- Aberration
Platform placement- x5

The Mods are:

The 'No Offline Raid' is enable so no worries on ppl raiding you when your offline!

We definitley have plenty of room, for anyone that wants to build!
For being a PvPve server, this server is very peaceful and friendly!
We now have "Everyone can imprint on a dino" Enabled

Downloadable Character is allowed ( No items/or dinos), unless you DM me first and we can discuss what you have and can bring.

The server has been paid for and will be running for 2 yrs, so anyone that wants to joined and/ or has joined will not have to worry about the server going down for lack of payment.
If you have any question, please feel free to message me or leave a comment here! :)
Also thank you for choosing this server for your gaming and enjoy!

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