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PS4 Got my first random mut today on a dilo... but whateves. So my question is how do i...


Andrew Crepeau

Got my first random mut today on a dilo... but whateves. So my question is how do i determine what stat muted? I compared the parents (unlvled) to the babe an the baby has 2 stats that isnt on either parent. Melee is 1.5 (ish)% higher then moms(highest) then i food is slightly lower then dads (lowest). Im a lil perplexed any help is appreciated

Deven Jefferson

Did you get any imprints? And is there a colour mutation?

Andreas DK

For breeding it's best to make folders on the tame of the more important stats when born or first tamed then you can compare your progress on the bloodlines makes things a little easier

Andrew Crepeau

The comparison was made before any imprints. I believe the new green on it nose is a color mut cause it aint on either parent. I normally screenshot on ps or dododex tames i plan on breeding or leave them unleveled.

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