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Good Morning! So the big Nintendo debate right now is if Super Smash Bros (Switch) is...


Corey Dempsey

Good Morning!
So the big Nintendo debate right now is if Super Smash Bros (Switch) is a New Game or a Port. What do you think?

Nick Hall

I'll cinsider it being a port when namco is in the credits section

Colin Schulte

I feel like it’ll be a similar thing to Splatoon 2. It’ll use the Wii U version as a base, but with enough new/changed stuff on top to justify calling it a sequel.

Alex Nicoll

I think there are a several reasons to believe it's a new game.

- The version of Link shown was based on Breath of the Wild. Admittedly that could be a new skin if it's a port, but that seems less likely to me.

- HAL Laboratory was credited for it, not Bandai-Namco.

- They showed us very little. If it were a port, I would have expected them to show more stuff we recognized from Smash 4, and make the big deal that it was coming to Switch with extra content. Instead, we were shown three characters. That's the kind of thing they more typically do for a new game. It builds hype, and lets them keep the hype going by showing us just a little bit more every now and then.

- It has a dedicated website. Seems like an odd thing to do for a port.

Kevin McElroy

Sakurai has been working on it for months.

Tyler Magee

I hope it's a new game. I haven't played MK8 Deluxe on the switch but it's kind of a bummer that the new system is getting Wii u ports with a few extras thrown in.

Corey Dempsey

I’m hoping for a brand new title, but wouldn’t be disappointed at smash 4.5

Keith Pendley

Considering the number of ports the switch has with its Nintendo properties instead of completely new content... And judging from the teaser in that the silhouettes of the characters seemed like a LOT of characters... I'd bet money it's just a port just like Hyrule Warriors is going to be. It'll include all dlc and probably some new dlc, but it won't be a new title. Also... It says it's set to release this year. When has Nintendo ever revealed a smash game that wasn't at least 2 years out from release?

Chris McAtamney

I think with the dismal sales figures of the Wii U and the fact that so many people missed some great games, an argument can be had that those games can actually get the recognition they're due on the Switch.
I think Smash will be a port with extra Switch-related content and characters.

Frank Hurtado

Who cares? Why is this such a big deal?

Bucky Flores

Okay guys let’s not fight about two different sides that no one really knows the truth about. This post is about what we hope for and not what if factual.

Chris McAtamney

Yes, this is just fun speculation.

Corey Dempsey

Samurai tweeted this two days ago after the announcement:


Adolpho Beliver

Really curious, but I can wait until E3.

Chris McAtamney

So what do you think the release date would be? Will this be a summer or fall release, or Holliday flagship title?
I'm thinking August...

Phillip Jones


Jaime J. Gonzalez

New game just updated models maybe?

Muhammad Al-Muthakkir

There's so much evidence saying its a new game while there honestly not enough saying its a port.

1.Bandai Namco not being credited. Bandai Namco was the main develepor for Smash 4 so I just don't see why the wouldn't credit them.

2.Sakurai has tweeted that he's been working on the game in secret day after day. Pretty much implying that hes been working on it for a while.

3.Sakrai is a perfectionist. The man does NOT like to half ass. He works hard. I don't see it in his character to just port a game over to a brand spanking new system.

4.Every port so far has said its Wii U release date to its Switch release date(2014-2018). But this new smash only says 2018.

5.Too much hype. If it was just a port they are hyping this up way to much. I feel like they would showed some sort of gameplay or something. Even an add on to the title like Smash Bros Deluxe. It even has its on website for gods sake :l

6.When you go to the Smash Bros website it says "title pending" on the tab

7. This tweet makes perfect sense for people who are saying its too early for a new smash game. "For those arguing that Smash Switch is just a Smash 4 port, bear in mind that Smash 4 was developed in 2.5 years.
2.5 years from Feb 2016 (Bayonetta release) would be August 2018. So if Smash 5 is released in Nov, then they could have even had a break for a few months"

Jimmy Carmon

Port with new levels, characters, costumes & a fresh coat of paint.

Mel Marcelo

Port with added stuff. A true new game will probably happen at the end of the Switch life cycle (4 years). Not enough people played the last one.

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