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Xbox One Fresh start map just reset for aberration ragnarok cluster welcome to the forbidden...


Jeff Howard

Fresh start map just reset for aberration ragnarok cluster

welcome to the forbidden planet ark

5 kingdoms collide as they find themselves the subjects of an alian expirement, They wake up naked on a beach not knowing where, why or how they were brought here, The plants, the creatures nothing is familiar they look around in a daze at there new surroundings trying to remember where they are, All the while they keep thinking they must work together as a kingdom to survive and take control of aberation! "whats aberation"? There not sure but its imprinted in there minds that they must rule over it! Will they ever find out why there here or what the aliens plans are for them? which kingdom will rule aberation?

We are a 17+ rp server with moderately boosted stats.
gather: 4
taming: 6
xp: 2
maturation rate: 6
mating interval: 0.2
Egg hatch: 20
Dino stats are untouched other then an increase for weight and stamina
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Join one the kingdoms takin from the world of sci-fi and fantasy

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