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First i own a big apology to all tracer mains out there Coz for unknown reason i...


Ahmed Wrya Rwandzy

First i own a big apology to all tracer mains out there
Coz for unknown reason i always hated her without even giving her a chance to see , i think i hated her attitude and childish behaviour not the play style ( plz dnt hate me 4 this ).

So after 500+ level i try her out last 2 days and oh-my she's crazyyyyyy , she literally unstoppable i mean i only play her for 2 days and it feels so good , i can only imagine if someone main her what can that person do with her .

So i need some tips from all of you tracer mains out there , make me good tracer player .

Alaa Yassine

Not a tracer main but i've watched alot of streamers play her, focus enemy supports you're on the enemy back line most of the time just annoying them, don't rely on your healers to heal you focus on health packs.

Anna Wang

A good tracer that harasses supports is the most difficult thing a mercy or zen has to deal with

Casey Jennings

Don't ult Hog, ever. I main him and I protect my support by tracking Tracer movements and hooking them in, for whatever reason that pulse bomb is thrown and with either the help of my support or my gas ability I will survive.

Aadil Saqib

In a Tracer main and let me tell you, it's insane how much carry potential she has. And player her in difficult and impossible to win situations is nothing short of an adrenaline rush.
If you play on PC, the best advice I can give you is just watch Kabaji150ms on Twitch. He gives live commentary on what he's doing and he's the best Tracer teacher. Aside from this, also watch videos and montages by Dafran, Sinatraa, Slayergramps etc. Their twitch streams will teach you a lot as well.
Other than learning your role as the flanker, you need to work on aim. As for myself, I bought I giant mouse pad and started using a very low sens (800 dpi, 5 in game). It made a world's difference. I can do precision aiming with my hand and fast 180 flicks with my arm. And I also got a 144Hz monitors that also helped me get my avg aim from 30% to 45%
As for self attention purposes, you can watch two Tracer videos posted recently on my profile. One shows a successful 1v6 and one is a comp game where I take out both supports for an easy win.
Played in the right hands, Tracer is the strongest and for me, the most fun hero in the game. However, her learning curve is large and you require a lot of experience and gameplay knowledge to be good with her.

Kaifi Isfahan

Go behind the enemy back line and harass the enemy team so that your team can kill them easily and also make sure when you go back there you have your recall and also never use all three of your blinks save the last blink for an escape

Mathieu Berger-Latour

A thing I like to do is Blink behind them and quickly blink back to my initial position. In almost any case, the person will turn around allowing you to get an entire clip on them.
I don’t know what Elo you play in, but in higher elos, they will tend to track your blinks and count them so be careful lmao

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