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Xbox One Does anyone need an experienced admin? I'm looking for a Ragnarok PvP server to help...

  • Thread starter Garrett Hubbard
  • Start date

Garrett Hubbard

Does anyone need an experienced admin? I'm looking for a Ragnarok PvP server to help out on.

Kieran Webster

Can join the server to help out anyways

Kieran Webster

Or just to play Looking for a new home come hit me up. My server is a new server with not many tribes. Prime meat for new players or group people to come join.

Im no admin however the admins are amazing and treating me and other players extremely well with an amazing starter kit of a ptere metal tools and metal or fur amour with an indi forge and gas to power it. Or if admins aint on get added to our fb page and ask them they will soon get on to help you out!!!

Pick up is pretty high and breeding is amazing hatching is fast maturation isnt insta so you can imprint however each imprint gives 65% (wyvrens) other tames i dont know yet.

Players have a grace period of ultimate time until the point they either look big or raid someone else which adds them to the pvp list.

Theres a fishing farm trading area and white flag pvp areas which you can pvp in and wont effect you in the main game so you wont be added to the pvp list.

There is also a purge event which is every 30 days however wont be active until the server pop is at a steady 20+plus people and people have built up i.e having good dinos tek n stuff like that. Passive tames will not be killed and if you do get attacked a white flag vault and fridge in your base cannot be attacked so you can hatch and build up alot faster again than before.

The server gt is xxxxtunaxxxx my gt is RTS Minstrel can join or message me n stuff
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