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Switch Digital Foundry is both good and bad for Switch comparisons as far as port vs port is...


Mack Hargrove

Digital Foundry is both good and bad for Switch comparisons as far as port vs port is concerned. Today a Residsnt Evil port comparison that was fair but places an unrealistic expectation on the Switch. I mean they were comparing the textures and lighting on belt buckles for crying out loud.
I know this is what DF does but come on. Is it really that important? Why do gamers actually stare at leaf textures instead of playing the game. ...SMH
I guess my question is what do you guys think of these comparisons?

Jason James Grubb

**mod watching**

Please keep the conversation civil

Jason Kay

I know the belt buckle seems unimportant but all the little details a textures can really build up the look of a game to make it look amazing and yes the same game is always going to look better on more powerful consoles, digital foundry just show how much difference there is. Playing portable can still win me over more than looking better so the Switch is still amazing.

Matt MacDonald

Graphics is the last thing I personally am concerned about on Switch... don't get me wrong, I'll take them as good as they can be. But as long as we keep getting good games (like we have been, and looks like we will in 2018 too) I'm a happy gamer.

Trevor Green

there is just A small vocal minority that care that much about super detailed graphic. the rest of us are too busy playing our games to notice.

Brayton Wright

Digital Foundry is to gaming what Rotten Tomatoes is to film. At least it's becoming that way.

Ryan Butler

If something looks crazy realistic I’ll look at it longer than something else, sure. Uncharted 4 has some insane vistas that are just beautiful. I stopped and grabbed screens.

As far as comparisons go, I think Skyrim is the first one I looked at in curiosity. I generally don’t care and just get it for the console I want

Jason James Grubb

I mean I'm of the belief that TOO MUCH emphasis is placed on graphics these days, and that as a result the gameplay often comes off as a secondary importance. But if your doing a comparison of titles then sure looking at it THAT closely is good I guess.

I honestly pay zero attention to Digital Foundry because that level of graphical detail difference doesnt bother me but to each their own.

Matt Parent

I think it's cool to see how the Switch stacks up against full home consoles, I don't expect as much from it obviously but it's still interesting how far portable gaming has come along

Jason James Grubb

Dont get me wrong I think its great that SOMEONE goes into it, just doesnt worry me personally.

Michael Alexander Caddick

Its stupid to get butthurt over the switch always having the worst graphics. It does, and theres nothing you or anyone else can do to change that.
If you bought a switch for the graphics then you bought the wrong console.
You bought it for either the games, or the portability or both.
I have a ps4pro and an xbox one X (plus pretty much everything since the NES) as well as switch, which I bought primarily for its portability, graphics be damned.
The DF videos make me appreciate the switch more, that such a constrained system is capable to run some of my favorite games like skyrim still makes me smile.

Luke Klingberg

I guess the best way i can put my opinion is; I appreciate when it looks good. When I'm in a game that is truly stunning, like BOTW on switch, or Destiny 2 on PS4 pro, i really enjoy the beauty. I'm a lighting designer by trade, and a gamer since the mid 80s, and I love the moments of awe. Especially now when I have my first incredible Tv, an OLed, i get to see the spectacle in 4k high dynamic range, and i feel like my money was wel spent.

Daniel Rasmussen

When I am imersed in a game, I really don't even notice the graphics.

Matt Bernaix

Its ridicoulous. The switch is a freaking tablet playing current gen games for crying out loud.

Jeffri Tjin

They are just pointing out the differences, which is fine. I'm generally more interested in their frame rate analysis.

Chijioke Uche

Jason James Grubb thanks for the heads up,as the vid, DF is absolutely right with their comparison, why would gamers be concerned about gameplay just to receive crappy graphics, Graphics in part, plays a huge role on console's capabilities, which game devs should be really concern about it. If you want to port a game from other consoles, it should take advantage of the console's computational horsepower, if it's going to be badly downgraded, please don't release the game. One could have an impression that the Switch is a weak console,as the price is not doing any justice to it (whereas the ps4 and Xbox one, that are really powerful in graphics, are also relatively cheaper).

NO INSULTS PLEASE, Mods keep watching!

Matt Parent

I feel that the Switch would benefit from improved storage more than performance, that's the reason most titles are almost all text dialogue, even with 500GB just one game takes a huge chunk out of my xbox one and PS4's hard drives, the Switch is at a huge disadvantage this way

Jessica Amber Tuls

I play a game for its mechanics and story first, and graphics second. I don't care about tiny pixels, or some fuzzy bits on screen. So long as the game doesn't look like crap, (Hint: ARK) then it is fine.

Simon Hodgkiss-Rogers

I always feel like digital foundry just provide a factual service, in detail. As in, they’ll show you how aspects work, and be honest about the levels of quality in the game. There’s a lot of people that would get annoyed if they did a tear down, and didn’t mention the resolution or jaggies on certain aspects that may be noticeable. I don’t honk they’re being derogatory about it. Just pointing out flaws that people may have issue with

Tariq Khan

I'm absolutely loving RE Revelations 2 om the Switch :) kicking ass. Might buy Revelations 1 even though I demolished it on 3DS

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