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Damn im rly dissapointed with my luck in the Halloween event. This event was the one I...


Dinis Pedroso

Damn im rly dissapointed with my luck in the Halloween event. This event was the one I grinded the most, i rushed all thursday 3 ez loot boxes and i lvled up like +10 lvls(lost count). And i only got Mei's new skin(its ok, even thou i only play her from time to time), immortal soldier(pretty depressing since i want the Ana ghoul skin and i already have grillmaster 76) and i got FREAKING Roadhog monster skin(my least played tank yay) but the worst of all is that i got this... I dont get it i got a lot of legendarys in other events but why not this one? Its is second appearence, shouldnt halloween skin drops be rly ez?

Leo Grelin

my deepest condolences

Leon Mansfield

Bro you got the same like as me

Ronnie Mäkinen

I really want mei's halloween skin or i will stop play overwatch xP

Brendon Alexander

Funny, I got most of the Halloween skins. Most recent one being Zarya's Halloween skin. The only ones I don't have are Reaper's(but I'm close to getting 1000 Gold for his Pumpskin skin), McCree's, Ana's new Halloween skin(which I don't even care about), and Torb's Viking skin.

But there's one bullshit moment I had. One loot box dropped a legendary Zenyatta skin, but not the Cthulu one. One of the Egyptian ones. I don't which is more infuriating, getting crappy voice lines, emotes, sprays & icons, I don't care about, or not getting the good skin I want, and instead, get a good skin I had no interest in getting atm.

Evan Scoblionko

I only got 2 event skins in over 40 loot boxes I grinded for. I got mei and mcree. Then I bought 20 and got like 6.

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