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PC Complete noob here, finally gonna have a the time to immerse myself into this, got any...

  • Thread starter Adrienne R Angel
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Adrienne R Angel

Complete noob here, finally gonna have a the time to immerse myself into this, got any advice / guides / dos and don'ts?

David Parker

Have fun most importantly don’t do powerful gear quests luminous engrams or exotic quests until you reach a soft cap of 265 find a clan and have fun with friends not solo

Joenes Haia

Don't dismantle everything. Try looking at the perks certain weapons provide as they might be better to keep and infuse them with other higher light weapons. Complete planets. After the end game, there are still a lot of quests on each planet that give exotics and other stuff. Do strikes and crucible. If you don't have a clan or another friend, download the destiny app and join other groups. But mostly, HAVE FUN hahha

Christopher Feliciano

have fun with the story missions. the big grind starts at lvl 20 after completing the story where youll be grinding that 200 to 265 power gap. public events will be one of your main sources of power grinding imo (atleast thats what i did). join a clan to get weekly free engrams (also to do the nightfall, play pvp, etc with people). (heres a NA clan incase you're interested:
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). as a dont, id say, dont use up your powerful engrams youll be getting aftrer completing the story mission until you hit that 265 power level (or unless the week is ending, weekly resets are on tuesdays).

Steven Hubbard

Prioritise the main story to unlock loads of stuff. Whilst levelling up always equip the highest power level gear you can get hold of. It makes it much easier (I've levelled all three classes). Once you are 20 and main story done. Do all the Map-E missions to unlock all of the high end rewards each week. Don't hand in the ones with "powerful" rewards until the last time you are going to play before the Tuesday reset. These powerful rewards are the only way to raise your light level (power level) after about 265. This is because they are the only engrams in the game that scale to your current light level at the point you hand them in. All other engrams are scaled to when you pick them up. If you really like a purple or yellow item it can be upgraded by sacrificing an equivalent higher level item. Any yellow (exotic) item you get will be available to purchase from the vault so you never lose them even if you dismantle one you don't think you will use. Purple (legendary) items are gone once you dismantle them so only dismantle duplicates or ones you hate using. Put the rest in the vault. The app can be used to move/equip gear between characters and the vault etc without logging out of the game. It is great! Good luck. Oh and find a clan to join for bonuses. I have a small one you are welcome to join, we are from a discord group that play lots of different games.
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Ben Lamb

Always looking for friends! I'm kinda nooby too so i mean what's better than a solo noob? Two noobs together right

No but I'm on pretty much most evening and i dont mind just doing pretty much whatever :)

L4ambster#2802 :)

Alex Elward

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Alex Elward

follow that guide or you'll be moaning like everyone else stuck at 265.

Darin Ferraro

Be a Titan :p

Karlo Coloso

Start add people to your friends list because the game is far better with others. Join a clan

Ruben Mendoza

If you're looking to join a clan we'd be glad to have you :) open membership currently and we have a discord setup. We're small right now but hope to grow
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Cristian Ilie

You can join to our clan. ACE clan is one of the best. ;)
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