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audio works everywhere but pubg... So I started up the game up after the new 1.0...


Brandon Gude

audio works everywhere but pubg... So I started up the game up after the new 1.0 update and now I dont have any sound...(except for voice, but earlier I tried some new settings in the config folder and now for the first time I heard a split second audio of the plane noises when you are about to drop but after that I hear nothing) I have literally tried everything including: ctrl +m/t, reinstalling, verifying game integrity, disabling and enabling sound devices, trying different HDMI ports on my gpu, installing game on a different drive, putting in an old sound card and plugging my speakers in there, changing the format of audio to 24 bit/48000hz, and way more... so whats wrong with my game? i have posted all over the place but i still cant fix it, please help thanks

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