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Switch As much as I love nintendo and waiting for a virtual console I have something to say...


Charbel Jubran

As much as I love nintendo and waiting for a virtual console I have something to say as a business man and not a nintendo fanboy!!!

How do you invite indie compagny and tell them make some games for the switch that will sell , when for a small group of indies dev it can be scary when you have a massive virtual console library up and running !! And for now I think indies games are selling better on the switch then ps4 and x1 but I may be wrong ..

Sorry for my English I speak French
Plz don’t hate me I would love to play all the snes and game cube games on my switch !

Sheena Coumbes

I have never really played indie games until the switch. I think the combination of the eshop and portability makes it appealing to give new things a try.

Raden Faiz

Just show them Nindies and all the article about how Indies games surpassed the other console.

Don Davis

You did quite well, only mistake was company *

Nimrod Goldberger

I think it's not intimidating because all you have to do is create a game you can be proud of, indies will do just fine because their abundance is their power there is competition but it's not as if they compete against each other they are just plain fun and cool i think there should be also aplications and minigames on the switch. The portability and variety fo ways to use the switch, in my opinion makes it better than just a tablet or just a phone

Shavawn Crowe

Oohhh French and your English isn't bad I've seen worse from people that only speak English lol

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