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As an ana main. Stop nerfin mercy and buff the rest of the healers like lucio and Ana...

  • Thread starter Matthew Mizzouri Hubbard
  • Start date

Matthew Mizzouri Hubbard

As an ana main. Stop nerfin mercy and buff the rest of the healers like lucio and Ana so they can compete with heals. No need to nerf mercy anymore.

Arun Kumar

I would if they just reduce the time between fires on Ana's gun

Daneka Simms

The problem is its hard to buff 4 heroes equally, if those 4 were exactly the same then it could happen. But buffing 4 completely different heroes with varying abilities would be extremly difficult.

The mercy nerf is mostly because the league. People watching aren't enjoying the must pick of mercy in the pro scene, nor are the players themselves.

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