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PC Are there any official PvP servers where raiding is punished and the alpha tribe is...


Jonny Sayeth

Are there any official PvP servers where raiding is punished and the alpha tribe is supportive of new and other players?

Christina Larimore

I thibk we would be a good fit for you :) We have an amazing community atmosphere with plenty of spots left to build. Tribes looking for new people, experienced and new to the game. There are no plans on wiping, as we offer a longevity server (1 year min) and lag is little to non. We average 15 people a day, with 30 being our high hours.

Balanced rates and very few mods to enhance the game but NOT change it. We have a great envioronment for those who wish to escape the pummeling of alpha tribes with our community raid patrol, which means we act as an Alpha server! Raiding is uncommon while had to head wars can rage via weekend events and community relatilation to chose who don’t play nice. Try our community first atmosphere!

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Server Infor: Aberration-Pvpve (Sanctioned PvP)
-5X Tame,
-5x Xp,
-5X Harvest
-5x Mature,
-5X Incubation,

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Server Info: Ragnarok- Pvpve (Sanctioned Pvp)
-5X Tame,
-5x Xp,
-5X Harvest
-5x Mature,
-5X Incubation

-Events every weekend.
- Admins play as players and only step in with trolls or glitches that cant be solved via community help.
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Please respect our new players by not building on Spawn points. And get with an admin for a starter package ^.^
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Hope to see you guys in :D

Ryan Barnett

I second ChristinaLarimore' s post, PurpleFrog is a great server join up i think you'll enjoy it

Amanda Reneau

Purple Frog is a great server and community, let me know if you need anything when you join, I'm Kaerianae.

Colton Moore

No because cross server raiders

Chris Worthen

The post said offcial servers... and people advertise

Zac Vance

That's why we have ours. No mods at all. Truly official but with boosted rates. Going through maintenance right now though

Ricky Balthis

Official means ran by Ark. They are notorious for no management in their servers, not to mention severe lag and rubber banding on every official server I've tried. Unless you're trying to get a reward for beating aberration or something, unofficial is the only way to go.

Jerry Swihart

He asked for official PvP and the unofficial, non PvP servers are being posted. People, please read before advertising. >_<

Zach Eubanks

Haha this fool really say pvp but punishment for raiding ? y’all pc fools are scrubs at ark I swear. All I see if pve or modded pvp lobbies

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