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Anyone selling an r9 280x? One of mine died and I want a second one for crossfire...

  • Thread starter Michael Richard Matovcik
  • Start date

Michael Richard Matovcik

Anyone selling an r9 280x? One of mine died and I want a second one for crossfire until gpu prices come down or next gen Nvidia cards hit the market.

Radek Kaleta

How was CF with those cards ? I have 7950 (rebranded to R9 280) and i was thinking about the same thing because of the crazy GPU situation.

Michael Richard Matovcik

Pretty much was my line of thinking a few months ago.

It worked pretty well for me, it doubled my frame rate in GTA from an average of about 44 to 82 with increased settings, and a bunch of other games ran much smoother.

The extra 3GB of framebuffer help a ton, but to my knowledge the 7950s pretty much all were 2gb which is pretty rough to work with for modern games.

If you have a good enough power supply for it I'd say go for it.

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