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Xbox One Anyone have any fresh pvp servers boosted. Like put up no longer than a couple days...


Nick Bowen

Anyone have any fresh pvp servers boosted. Like put up no longer than a couple days ago? Clusters would be cool

Jesse Pickel


Jesse Pickel

ArkedHard Aberration-Ragnarok Cluster server seeking NEW PLAYERS!

looking for people who enjoy PvP, no grace period, and no cool down timer if you get raided.

If you’re one who whines like a little tit and runs off the server when raided; then this server is not for you.

Think you got what it takes to take Alpha? Just know that this server isn’t for the faint of heart.

The players are savage and raid ANYONE they come across almost every time, instantly.

People who complain only add fuel to the raid flames!

⚔Interested? click the link and answer the three questions. If you fail to answer ALL the questions you will be denied

Nitrado Hosted
Ragnarok - 3️⃣2️⃣ slots
Aberration- 2️⃣0️⃣ slots

⚒PVE admins
☄Dino&Item downloads
Crossplay Rnabled
Xp- 15
Taming- 40
Harvest- 35
Crop growth- 100
Mating- 0.002
Hatching- 500
Maturing- 40
Dino Speed- 5
♀Dino weight- inf
♂Player stats- 5x
Player weight-infinite
Loot Crates- x5
Fishing Loot-x5
Character lvl 300
Dino lvl 600
Custom Drops
Item/Dino transfer enabled
⚠Tek auto unlocked


No raiding/killing anything black market or you’ll find a broodmother/mega in your base and insta banned

No pvp during events

Build up
Get recked
Get good

ABSOLUTELY NO flyers on Aberration. That means no bringing in fertilized flyer eggs. If Admins see you flyin around on a bird we will kill it without warning.


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JamieandChris Mccormick

I play on one pretty fresh like few weeks not over populated and can help get set up with starter pack ect

Josh Rickel

Looking for a Legit PVP Cluster without all the grind of official?
Apex Ark Cluster is the one for you.
We have a Ragnarok, Center, Island, and Aberration giving you the freedom to trade/raid across multiple servers and obtain just about everything ark has to offer. Its also a PvP weekend server giving you time to build up if you dont have the time during the week. Some server stats are

20x gather
35x breeding
20x Exp
Instant Tame
Unlimited Weight
Custom Supply Drops (starters in green drops for those who want them)
Tek Engrams Auto unlocked at Level 100
Increased Dino Levels (Max is 180)
Cluster Discord/FaceBook group for updates/general trading/chat.

If these stats interest you come check the servers out at

*Apex Ark Cluster (Custom Drops) Boosted Rag (70 slots)
*Apex Ark Cluster (Custom Drops) Boosted Center (50 slots)
*Apex Ark Cluster (Custom Drops) Boosted Island (50 slots)
*Apex Ark Cluster (Custom Drops) Boosted Aberration (32 slots)

Morgan Haley

3 days old island

Jma Chiazzese

Check out roxkstar ark

Matt Edwards

Friend made one yesterday and so far it’s me and two other people. It’s on rag so if anyone would like to join pm me

Zach Chandonnait

Nitrado Cluster Island, Rag., and Aberration Server that are lightly populated and growing fast! Stats are:
-10x Taming& Harvesting
- 15x maturing
STARTERS AT BLUE OB ON RAG, PLAYER LEVEL CAP IS 200! Dino cap is 255! So come join ARK Revolution today! *NO ADMINS*. FACEBOOK PAGE LINK:
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David Savagex

4 server cluster looking for more LONG TERM players :)
We currently have The Island, Ragnarok, and Aberration. 32 slot each with expansion as needed and a 10 slot scorched map that can be increased as needed. Boosted but not insane. PvP and only thing we ask is that you don't be toxic to the community. Completion is fun but wiping and trolling isn't. In process of setting up event areas as well for games and prizes! Monthly real life giveaways for our subscribers and donators! January raffle giveaway is the Aberration DLC! Custom drops and Lvl 300 max for wild dinos too!

Join in, bring your friends, and build an empire!!

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Bree Foster

Just bought it yesterday. I’m so sick of every server I join poof disappearing.

David Savagex

4 server cluster looking for more LONG TERM players as we have been hosting for over e years and no end is in sight :)
We currently have The Island, Ragnarok, and Aberration. 32 slot each with expansion as needed and a 10 slot scorched map that can be increased as needed. Boosted but not insane. PvP and only thing we ask is that you don't be toxic to the community. Competition is fun but wiping and trolling isn't. In process of setting up event areas as well for games and prizes! Monthly real life giveaways for our subscribers and donators! January raffle giveaway is the Aberration DLC! Custom drops and Lvl 300 max for wild dinos too! In game currency, that cannont be gathered or minipulated, and shop coming very soon as well as the fishing hole! The Pub! Lounges! Dino customization shop! Battle royal arena! Jousting arena! Great group we have so far and we would love to have more people to grow with!

We will be potentially hosting pve/role play players to play in the community areas and help build the settlements and run some shops :)

Join in, bring your friends, and build an empire!!

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David Earl Jones

Looking for a Slightly Booster Cluster/Server? Tired of all these insta tame and infinite weight and super easy Servers out there?? Or are you over the grind of official settings? Do you want somewhere in the middle? Here is the Ark for you!! Come join Dark Side of the Ark! More than enough places to build and find the perfect spot for your base!

Rules of the Ark!

Ark Nitrado Cluster Server
Ragnarok Server darksideoftheark
The Island Server darksideoftheark island
The Center Server darksideoftheark center
Aberration Server darksideoftheark aberration
Scorched Earth Server darksideoftheark scorched

24/7 PVP
21 and up age limit.
That means get in, get what you want, and get out!
No blocking/building in Artifact caves.
Password protected to help keep trolls out.
Password will be given once you sign the pinned post.
Tribe limit 7
Alliances allowed
10 day white flag grace period for new tribes. Ask about our Newcomer Hotel!!!

ABSOLUTELY NO TROLLING! You troll you get the ban hammer!

Get your Ingram points early and strategically appropriate them as items become unlocked!

We will have events, such as but not limited to;
Shoulder Tame and Dodo fights
Arena fights, Man v Dino, Dino v Dino, Galdiator style fights, Man v Man.
Horse racing
Prizes will be awarded to winners! Prizes may include dinos, in game currency(used to buy kibble)
Arena is located atop the "Alpha Plateau", near the castle, do not build on there.

There will be a kibble shop/bank. (each tribe will have a pin-coded fridge in a the bank, leave a note with requested kibble and appropriate payment, admin will put kibble in bank when they get on)

Starter packs are in the White Drops, you will receive metal tools, flak armor, crossbow with 25 tranq arrows, and 5 dodo kibble to tame a Pterradon. Along with a saddle for the Pterradon!
Again ask us about the Newcomer Hotel

Limited Admin involvement for Kibble purchases.

XP x3
Taming x5
Harvesting x5
Baby Mature x16
Egg Hatch Speed x20
Human and Dino weight increased.

You must sign the pinned post with:
Tribe Name

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Jessica Canniff

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Jesse JOnes

We have custom drops but they are not working right now the owner is gonna fix them soon

24/7 pvp on the center
slight rules
no admins except for events
trolling is allowed
please no wiping, we understand vaults but just try not to wipe
passive killing allowed
no glitching under the map
brontos allowed
turret quetz allowed
no turret cap (its 10000)

do not pillar someone elses base, that will not be allowed
do not place foundations near the base to restrict them from building
a fob is allowed

stone pickup is 54
player and dino stats boosted
infinite weight and oxygen
dino infinite weight
max wild dino level 180

server name: The Broken Ark

join and build

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