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Xbox One Anyone else name a tame after an adventure due to an event that occurred during such...


Robert James Hann

Anyone else name a tame after an adventure due to an event that occurred during such adventure?

First time really for me to give a tame a name that it earned during an outting. My level 185 Argy. He is now known as squeaky toy. We went giga hunting and guess who was nice to be bait. Lol. Anyways by time I got this giga in kitted to our trap he done took a 1300 health bird to a 86 health bird. He is still alive but a little shell shocked after the event. But it was a very sucessful tame too.

Just wanted to share that and see if anyone else had a similar naming experience?

*Squeaky Toy is on the left.*

Hayleah Amara Leonard

We named one of our argys giga taming bird. Pumped stam and hp. They served us well. XD rinse and repeat when one dies.

Marcy Conley

I was looking for a place to store excess gas I had made so I tamed a dodo and put it in there called it I got gas

Abby Lewis

I tried to name my wyvern wanker after it hatched because upon retrieving said egg, my argy was killed. Sad day.

Dan Thompson

Named one of my ankys giga down, because we kited a giga away from an allies base, into the ocean, so I flew my air carrier quets out there, and combat dropped the anky. We killed the giga with it. Thus giga down the anky was born!! Server 134 pre everything.

Kylie Jo Lehrer

Named our first griffin Wyvern bait. lol

Joshua Lane Brewer

This was way back when Gigas were first released, we had the 1st one on the server, named him Armageddon and killed every player, tame, and destroyed ever base between red and blue obs

Lulu Walston

I have a 150pt argy called beast, rolled super well in the health and melee stat dept upon tame. it has been used as a giga tames so often the poor thing is used to losing bunches of health. Got dc'd due to surprise update one day after just knocking out a 145 giga, everyone gets back on to find Beast just chilling next to the trapped giga... not a scratch on him... o_O

Liz Best

I had an argy named Imbecile. Was just starting in the game and he was our only flyer at the time and he was also caught at 150. I was knocked out by troodons or something and another argy started attacking me. He was on aggressive and an air battle with the wild argy happened. I died but was next to my base so I ran back out to my body and he was just gone. Looked all over and then saw that there was an argy shadow on the ground. Looked way up and saw him just way in the air. Tried whistling for him and tried the whistling with spyglass and none of it worked. He was just stuck. I had to tame a pteranodon on a weekday with just raw meat on an official server just to fly up and whistle his dumb ass down. He got named right after that.

Ethan Ansale

Ironhooves, my trusty Equus. Got his name from the time he glitched through a bunch of bear traps.

Lily Grace Dixon

We had a pure white 150M stag that we tamed in the Redwoods on Center and then sailed home on our boat. About halfway home one of us turned around and surprise surprise our beautiful new stag has vanished. Shoulders are shrugged, it's Ark after all, we continue on our way and tame a couple more over the next few days.
About 3 months later, I head down to our bay and jump on the raft and WHO SHOULD BE THERE BUT THE DAMN STAG?! Magically reappeared on the raft half a map away from where he fell off it, months later.
We called him Miracle :)

Aaron McCullen

I have spino killer the dilo. Chased down a wounded spino and killed it while I was off line lol

Lily Grace Dixon

Oh I almost forgot the frog!!!

We were out squid hunting and one of my tribemates was out on a frog, just scouting. He got DC'd and lost the frog in the ocean, sadtimes. Few days later we're out taming a squid and who turns up but the frog? Not only had he survived a few days in the deep, open ocean on his own, but he had a few squid tentacles in his inventory - he'd fought off squids ON HIS OWN!

Tribemate named him Sea King and I swear he's never been prouder of a dino

Robby Adkins

Named an anky 30 hours because it took 30 hours to tame with roll backs and berries lol didn't even have dodos yet lol it was our first tame on new servers lol

Nathan J. Bartels

A 150 female ptera landed right in front of me the first couple days of been on new servers. It was like 3am, and I had to get to bed for work the next morning. Decided to bola her and tame. Named her insomnia. She's still one of my better ptera breeders.

Mike Peart

i tamed a 150 rex and had to walk through wyvern territory and across an ocean so its hela because it was hela close to dying. not based off hela from thor.

Nate Mathes


Dan Thompson

Also, sorry to do this y'all, but if you're interested New nitrado server. Server name , Federal annex 24/7. Gather x20, taming, high boosted. Max player level, 211. Wild dinos spawn up to level 300. Unlim platform limit. Unlim weight. Boosted dino count. No rules pvp. The admins will be the the federation, a group who is mysterious and follows their own agenda. Events will be themed around this military organization.

Josh McClintock

#deep throat Named after a great sexual intercource lol.

Jay Zamora

I named a 145 therizino bitch one time because it took me and 3 other tribe members to knock out but we couldn’t for like 3-4 hours , first we tried trapping her in some trees but she glitches out and killed us once then we managed to find her ; just for her to fall off a cliff for us to try catching her near 3 carno’s, so we had to kill them then found out she ran off then she killed us 3 other times then we managed to knock her out but her head was in the water , but we tamed her and I just said man this thing was a bitch to take and that’s how we got her name

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