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PC Anybody got tips for improving fps? My computer is struggling the more the server gets...


Liam Cross

Anybody got tips for improving fps?
My computer is struggling the more the server gets built up day by day.

Brandon Blackmer

What's your specs

Kristen Quisenberry

Disable light bloom and light shafts. If you use nvidia experience, let it optimize ark for you first, then disable the bloom/shafts.

Taive Meyers

It's just ark right now man my home server stayed at 255 ping all weekend and I normally don't have a lag issue joys of being in a mega

Rob Mathieu

Start the game with no sky effects mode

Kevin Allen

I agree with an above post more ram. I had 8 and it was sluggish got another 8 and its good now.

Also download Razer cortex. Its a simple program that cleans out ram and other background processes that dont need to be running while gaming. Helped a ton before I could get ram.

You may not think this will help but I had a guy tell me to delete old games from my hhd/ssd even though I was only at 70% full. I deleted down to about 50% and it helped noticeably.

Light shafts and bloom off helps a lot too.

Liam Cross

Hi guys. I turned everything in the checkboxes off. Everything low/med apart from world tile buffers which is epic. And including some boot options including no sky effects, use all cores and a few others I can't remember off hand but I'm now hitting over a 100frames out and about and around 70fps in the base.Thankyou to all the helpful suggestions x

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