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Any tips to play tracer?


Aiden Uchiha

Any tips to play tracer?

Davey Anthony

Always have one blink saved for survival purposes

Stig-Thore Hauan

Save one blink
Save your recall for whenever you get bursted to hell and back
Build ult on tanks
Make supports cry

Oliver Bach

Be greedy with recall but dont deny when u need to use it

Gareth Edwards

Kill the other team

Brendan Rogers

Learn the maps for health packs, don’t go in outnumbered, especially against tanks, move unpredictable. But learning the maps and where health packs are is the big one/

Robert Holmes

Learn with the ana bots to aim. Learn the health pack locations and learn when to engage

Curtis James Littlechild

Try to blink unpredictably.

Deividas Auskelis

best teacher is experience

Aubrey Byrd

Be loud, scary, and British.

Mikhail Robertson

You do your best damage up front and by emptying your ammo clip straight into an enemy Hero - keep the left mouse button held down to empty the clip in about a second. Go for burst, and be ready to escape to safety by making use of your amazing mobility advantages.
Note that Tracer's Ultimate Pulse Bomb Ability can actually be attached to an enemy Hero, which is sure to guarantee all but the hardiest Heroes leave the battlefield with a bang. Consider Blinking in to a heavy tank Hero, dropping your Ultimate directly on them, and then rewinding time so you get away from the heat that's about to come your way.
Try to aim Tracer's pistols at the upper area of your target's torso, rather than clean on the head. There's an element of spray to the way these weapons fire, and so aiming in this way actually increases your odds of taking your victim down.
Recall's not just good for getting you out of trouble, or restoring some health and ammo, it can also be used to remove negative debuffs. Think of the damage-over-time effects of Venom Mine, or the annoyance of Zenyatta's Orb of Discord.
As a general rule of thumb, when you start taking damage you should Blink anywhere you feel safer to be. This effectively resets the pace of the battle, and gives you the upper hand - you, after all, know where you are! For this reason, it's worth making sure you have at least one Blink left in the bank before charging recklessly into battle.
Great though she is for harassing enemy Heroes and bursting down soft targets, Tracer really shines at reaching hard-to-reach and bothersome units such as turrets or Bastion when he's in his heavy-artillery mode. You can also use Tracer's mobility skills to sneak behind protective shields.
While you cannot use Blink to bypass Mei's Ice Wall, you can use it to avoid detonating the mines and traps left behind by the like sof Junkrat and Widwomaker. Worth keeping in mind - particularly if you're focused on taking out the latter.
Tracer herself will take damage from Pulse Bomb when it detonates. It falls quite hard to the floor so if you need to throw it forwards, trying aiming up a little. There's only around two seconds until the detonation goes off, so it pays to practise with this Ultimate.
Most players will do their utmost to get away from Pulse Bomb before the detonation goes off. This means it's ideally used in conjunction with a mobility-impairing Ultimate from a teammate such as Mei or Zarya.

Sophie Kitty Abrahams

Watch Dibz on YouTube, he has whole videos on her. He's a GM tracer main.

Goh Zhu Huey

when you recall, you must know da wae

Sam Gatski

Be gay

Renzo Dekimpe

Blink managent, try to always save a blink to be able to get out of shit without having to spend recall, go for healers if u wanna assassinate someone. And the best strat to be using with Tracer is to annoy the enemy team into focussing you or at least protect themselves from you so your team can push without difficulty.

Malachi Ward

Remember that her role is mainly to be a nuisance to the back line of the enemy team. Stay alive for as long as you can so your team can take care of the front line

Luke Schirmer

Mechanics are very important so if your aim isn't great you need to practice tracking. The best tip I can give in that regard is to be conscious of how far away your target is and that will help you move your reticle at the appropriate speed.

Stay within 6 yards if possible, her damage drops off beyond that point and her spread is wide so your DPS will drop significantly the further away you are.

Zen is your priority target. He has no mobility options and his hitbox is a giant circle. Dive in without him noticing and you can get an easy one clip.

Mike Ha

Learn how and when to use recall and learn directional blink... Know when a target is not viable to attack.

Zachary Perez

Learn to throw your bomb correctly. It doesn't have a lengthy distance so if you need to throw further, aim up more

Ethan Drury

Highest elims and damage, while Tracer is more than capable of them, is not your priority. Staying alive is, and being a constant nuisance is. Even if you're not confirming kills, and keeping the attention of two or more of the enemy team's attention on you, you're effectively removing them from combat with the rest of your team, allowing them to 5v4 them or better. And if you get the kills while doing it, even better.

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