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Any Soldier/Mccree mains here with at least 50 hours on their main with a skill rating...


Mohammed Mortaga

Any Soldier/Mccree mains here with at least 50 hours on their main with a skill rating of 2000-3000?
I've been playing ranked with my friends for a while now, and we all are tanks & healers mains. We've recently been losing lots of matches because rarely do we get decent dps teammates who at least could focus the pharah.
Today a Pharah landed right between all of us to kill Mercy and it was only our Dva trying to stop her. (we had a soldier on our team who was useless af)

I suppose many of people here are decent dps mains.. so if you're interested in playing with a group of 2 tanks and 2 healers at an average skill rating of 2200 please let me know.
P.S: You must have a mic too.. communication is number one priority for us :)

Daniella Angeline Grego

I have to say I have noticed an increase in Pharahs beating up the teams

Yuna Kpnr

R u playing on PC EU and it was on anubis? Bc that sounds exactly like what I did today as Pharah

Freddie Kun

Yowwww 100 hrs on mcree on my main masters with gold smurf from new Zealand tho :0

Justin Baker

You haven't said what platform

Noah Bennett

I don't have 50 or more hours but I have 15 and so many clutch moments. Yesterday I solo team wiped twice but my team was pretty much throwing so we lost 1 to 2. If you're on ps4 I'd love to help out. Been at or around 2200 for a while

Harshul Kuhar

i'm a support/dps main

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