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Xbox One Any full pve servers out there?


Daniel King

Any full pve servers out there?

Stuart Stackhouse

Try stuart43stack pve 24/7

Joe Williams- Khan

Hi pal, give us a try. We have a decemt fan base that all enjoy the server.

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Recruiting new players now!

We are currently open to recruiting new players to our World of Warcraft Role Play, Faction Based, Primitive+ Server.

GT: BlackRockIsland
Map: Ragnarok
Role Playing, Player V.s. Enemy (RP PVE) - PVP Event arenas Only
UK Based Server, 24-7.
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Horde (Dragons) V.s. Alliance (Manticores)

Our server is a Role Playing, Faction based game. New players/ tribes joining, would be advised to join our Facebook group for all up to date information and server information. Players must pick one of the 2 Factions (Alliances), upon joining the server please drop a message on the Facebook group with the information required, to then receive your starter pack.

All tribes are required to clearly display and place Faction flags (collected from the Capital City - Stormwind). Our server is a strict RP PVE, usual rules apply if anything is killed or destroyed within the server (Ban from the server). However there is a no-rule (PVP) Small Island Called Tortuga.

Regular events are held at various points throughout the map, including a variety of building competitions & Mini-Games available to participate at any moment. Please see our Facebook page for up-to-date information on active/up-coming events. Weekly Faction challenges are available to complete, to earn Faction points. Helping give weekly rewards to all Faction tribes.

There is an auction house available, with live bidding once a week (information via Facebook group/ in-game billboard). Including an Admin store, to allow players to purchase any items with the server currency (Tek-Tier Shards).

Currency can be earn’t, won & honoured through faction based events, min-games, live-action events, ETC… The current economy system in place is actively trading and works well allowing you to purchase almost anything you wish.

We look forward to welcoming you to Black Rock Island!

Below are our notable server stats:
Taming: 8.0
Dino Harvesting: 6.0
Harvest Amount: 2.0
Player Water Drain: 0.25
Player Food Drain: 0.25
Lay Egg Interval: 0.5
Mating Interval: 0.5
Egg Hatch Speed: 10.0
Baby Mature Speed: 10.0
Crop Growth: 3.0
Tame Dino Stamina: 2.0
Tame Dino Weight: Unlimited
Tame Dino Speed: 2.0
Player Health: 2.0
Player Stamina: 2.0
Player Torpidity: 2.0
Player Oxygen: 2.0
Player Food: 2.0
Player Water: 2.0
Player Temp: 2.0
Player Weight: Unlimited
Player Damage: 2.0
Player Speed: 2.0
Player Fortitude: 100.0
Increase Platform Structure Limit: 100.0

Dino Restrictions:
(Legendary status Dinos)
Max - 4 Wyvern Per tribe
Max - 4 Griffin Per Tribe
Max - 4 Gigga Per Tribe
Max - 4 Mosasaur Per Tribe

Brontos - Banned

Server Day: 250+

Chris Harrison

Ark server uk10

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