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PC ANARCHY UNLIMITED Cluster coming 08/25/2017 10:00CST for Arks release!!!! ANARCHY...

  • Thread starter Michael Sienkiewich Jr
  • Start date

Michael Sienkiewich Jr

ANARCHY UNLIMITED Cluster coming 08/25/2017 10:00CST for Arks release!!!!

ANARCHY UNLIMITED incoming for ARK's release!!!

With Ark's release just around the corner, we feel it is time to get the word out about this amazing new cluster. We will be releasing three maps: Island, SE, and Rag on 08/25/2017 at 10:00CST. Servers are up 99.99% of the time (NO server is up 100%, you do have to download updates, after all.) Admins with over 2000 hours of play time, admin logs are always ON. Servers ARE the most lag free I have ever played on myself.

Anarchy Unlimited is looking for mature and fun survivors to fill our dedicated server cluster. We in Anarchy Unlimited are aware that gaming is supposed to be fun. We strive to run a top notch set of servers that survivors will want to keep coming back to on a daily basis! Come join our server group and have a good time with us!

What we offer:

Fully dedicated server running an E31220 @ 310Ghz processor with 32Gb RAM and a 280Gb SSD on the Google Fiber network Average US wide pings in the low to mid 20s Euro pings as low as 50-70 Long term no wipe clustered servers on Island, Ragnarok, Center Fun PvP environment Twitch streamers and youtubers broadcasting regularly Active admins with over 3 years experience hosting survival servers available 24/7 for server issues and playing with Admin Logging ENABLED A mature environment where people know how to have a relaxing good time No hosting company to deal with! Server and mods automatically updated within 15 minutes of release Server backed up hourly so you never lose your hard work Auto server restarts in case of server or game server crashes to keep you in the game

CLUSTER RULES - This cluster is as close to a no holds barred PvP cluster as you can get. The only PvP rule that will be enforced is no repeatedly griefing players daily, and no holding captives for more than 24 hours. Do not whine and cry about your base being destroyed or your dinos being wiped out. Hiding them on passive will not save them here. If your base/dinos/everything is destroyed, rebuild with a stronger base, better dinos, and more friends. This is a SURVIVAL game, not carebear land. Admin logging is enabled. Admins are playing and are fair game as well. Raiding new players is frowned upon, unless they are the only targets that you are strong enough to hit (in which case you should probably be focusing on building instead of raiding) These are the only rules that are in effect. Do not ask for rule additions. If someone is built in an area that you do not think they should be in or blocking a resource that you want access to , remove them.

CLUSTER SETTINGS XP Bonus x5 Harvesting Bonus x5 Taming Speed x10 Baby Mature Speed x10 Breeding interval x0.5 Flyer platform limit doubled Food/Water drain x0.5 Stamina drain x0.75 Wild dinos up to lvl 150 NO cave extra damage

CLUSTER MOD LIST s+ - Auction house - AA - Classic Flyers - Death recovery - Dino Tracker - ORP2 - SELmods - StackMeMore - Reusable + - Ammo Pools Fixed

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Come on by and get to know everyone!!!

Kenneth Porter Christensen

And then you realise that ark releases at the 29th..

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