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PC Alright here's my first Aberration Ad! :P Ageless Earth PC PVPVE Cluster Ragnarok &...


Jason Asprelli

Alright here's my first Aberration Ad! :p Ageless Earth PC PVPVE Cluster Ragnarok & Aberration Servers!

Looking for more players to come join us. We currently have several active tribes as well as a couple of solo players! Our Ragnarok server is open to all and it's where I host all my events both PVP and PVE! Aberration is admin free (I'm always lurking around in the dark though) with only one rule... No offline raiding!
Ragnarok is boosted and heavily modded. Aberration only has 4 mods with much lower rates. Here's some useful links for your pleasure:
Steam Group:
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Mod Collection (somewhat up to date)
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Easy Server Access through these links - Ragnarok
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and Aberration
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All server events we have hosted on Ragnarok. PVP & PVE Arena Battles. Hunger Games! Ship Wars. Boss Arena Fights. Alpha Arena Wars! And PVP Base Attack Challenges! Events are typically hosted daily for whoever wants to participate. The bigger events like Hunger Games and PVP Base Attack Challenges are held weekly and are announced several days in advance!

So yeah if you made it this far thank you and come join us! We have a discord for chats and server events! A welcome package at our community center. Starter dino for people joining the server. And also a special dino of your choosing when hitting max level!

Thanks Again everyone! Any questions don't hesitate to ask! :)

Jason Asprelli

Still Recruiting players to join us! Plenty of places to build. Big plateau by the ruined Castle recently opened up!

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