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Alright, as it seems everybody is writing a post about "picks" how you should not...


Davante Walker

Alright, as it seems everybody is writing a post about "picks" how you should not force your team mate to switch.
Sooooo.. I have read a lot of these texts now, but in my opinion everyone is missing the point and only got it half right.
Short for my background over 14 years i did teamsport as football and fieldhockey, so i got pretty good expierence about teamwork.

1. I often read the argument: "I bought the Game so i play who i want because i want to have fun" nothing wrong about that in genreal because it's true, but! with this kind of view stick to playing quick play and Arcade.

2. Competitiv is not only about fun, there are people playing who set theirself a goal, which means they're working hard to reach it. So don't go into competitiv if you "only" want to have fun and "only want to play one or two heros, because they are fun". Sure you can prefer a hero but don't be arrogant/ignorant on that, for the other side don't force ppl to play specific roles/heros, that's just making the teamwork worse because mood will slowley get bad, especially if you do it with a bad attitude. Just ask nicley then 70% will switch and if not try another way to balance the team, maybe you switch of from dps to heal for once.

3. Communication! if you don't want to switch role/hero say the f*****ing reason how should someone know if you got a plan/ can't play anything else (tbh i never believe this, but i'll let them be then), and again for the other side ask them for the reason or make a compromise and say smth like " Hey guys it's okay for now, let's see the first 1-2min the game and if it really doesn't work let's try to make some changes" (which i mean the compromise that the "one guy" has to switch, maybe even yourself has to switch)

4. Mistakes, for fucking goodnesss you idiots!! (sorry), if somebody made a mistake don't get hung up on it and keep blaming your mate to end of the fucking world, try to focus on a solution how you still can change the outcome of the game, every second you blame, is a loosing second for the game!
And if you know sooo much about the game, that you have constantly to flame/blame, then try for once giving these people tips how they could improve or make things better, trust me you will see wonders you wouldn't believe if you just change your god damn aggressiv toxic idotic fucking behavior!

So i could tell more about to creat good teamwork/ team play but i don'T even know how much ppl will read the whole text and how you guys react to it. If you like it guys and behave normally in the comment section, i might do another part. You can also ask me to specific stuff how to handle/do or what ever.

SweetJP - Rein/Ana Main<3 (if you want to comp Pc/Eu pn me)

Jo Peace


Daniel Aldea

Dude nice said, but from all of that comunication in the most important, without any this game is non sense.

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