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Switch Ahh, October, my absolute favorite time of year. Horror season is in full swing and...


Bill LaRocca

Ahh, October, my absolute favorite time of year. Horror season is in full swing and October basically becomes a month long celebration of my favorite occasion - Halloween. Seeing the releases this week of The Count Lucanor and Don't Knock Twice on the Switch eShop, the question begs to be asked, what are some of your favorite Halloween/horror/spooky type games, especially ones that get you in the Halloween mood? I have many, some of which I can get into later, but one that's always at the top of the list is Majora's Mask. I love the dark, apocalyptic theme and constant heavy sense of dread, not to mention that I will always think of it as an October game seeing as how it originally released here within a week of Halloween in the year 2000. Anyway, let's hear some of your favorite spooky Halloween-time games, Switch fans.

J.T. Melanson

Castlevania, Resident Evil and especially Fatal Frame.

Bill LaRocca

Castlevania is near the top of my list too, especially Castlevania II. I've never really played a bad Castlevania game, and the DS games are excellent. Resident Evil is an obvious one that's probably on a lot of lists, and I don't dislike it, I just never got that deep into it. Never played Fatal Frame. I still hold the two Saw games on PS3 in high regard even though the controls can be clunky at times; it's more because I'm a Saw superfan. In fact, the first Saw game is the main reason I bought a PS3 at all, and I have fond, creepy memories of late night play sessions in surround sound. Some of my other favorites are Splatterhouse and its sequels, the original Luigi's Mansion as well as Dark Moon, Heavy Rain, Goosebumps, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, The Evil Within and its sequel, Until Dawn, and even going back to the NES days there was Friday the 13th and one of my all time spooky favorites - Shadowgate - which recently got a remake on iOS. I've also found little gems on the 3DS eShop like the Halloween Trick or Treat games and Candy, Please. They're mostly lighter fare but fun nonetheless.

Jesse Farris

Silent Hill

Bill LaRocca

I honestly never got into Silent Hill. I only saw the first movie, which I didn't care for. But I've also heard the games were a lot better than the movies.

Cameron Hale

Love that theme

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