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Xbox One 24/7 Ragnarok Server. it's a brand new server & i'm looking for people to populate it!...


Justin Sherman

24/7 Ragnarok Server. it's a brand new server & i'm looking for people to populate it! The multipliers consist of 10x Platform building, 4.5x Taming, 2.5x Experience gain, 50 point boost to each player stat besides weight which boosts by 950 a point, fortitude which boosts by 5 a point, speed which boosts by 3.8 a point and Melee 25 a point. Since the server is new I'm open minded to any suggestions or change requests on the Stats or the Multipliers, after all the community is for you guys to enjoy so if the majority wants to see a change somewhere I'll be more then happy to make it happen! The one rule i ask is please no Bronto or Diplo taming. Also there is an Admin base, the Admin's aren't there to harm player's they are there to moderate and add new additions to the server. if you're interested in joining the GT is DodoCorporation. You can also join a Kik group chat dedicated to the server #DodoSurvivors

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