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Xbox One “Apex RP 300 rag” Ragnarok RP Prim + X15 taming X10 harvest X30 maturation...


Logan Myers

“Apex RP 300 rag”
Ragnarok RP
Prim +
X15 taming
X10 harvest
X30 maturation

Nomads-PVE players that build public buildings.

Spartans- Build and survive to defend against the enemy Persians. But be careful follow them to far into their area and ît could spark a full out war.

Persians-Build and survive to defend against the enemy Spartans. But be careful lurking into the enemy territory can start a war.

No-mans land- Full our PVP fights here will not spark up wars and no one is safe here. But follow an enemy to far into their territory and you will spark a war.

Trading- Feel free to trade with nomads. They will be playing just as everyone. But be careful it’s not a trap by the enemy to destroy you and your tames!

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